Holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who once and for all consigned that fallen and apostate tyrant to the flames of hell, who sent your only-begotten Son into the world to crush that roaring lion; hasten to our call for help and snatch from ruination and from the clutches of the noonday devil this human being made in your image and likeness. All: Bearing gold and incense. You are our defender, our fortress and our savior from evil. not by a mixture of substance, Any kingdom torn by civil strife, He said to them, is laid in ruins; and house tumbles upon house. for Christ washes her sins in the Jordan; unity in Trinity and Trinity in unity is to be worshiped. Divine Will Conference Corato, Italy April 22-26, 2015, 9/5/14 More Information on IV International Conference on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in Corato, which will be held April 22 -26, 2015, CONCELEBRATION IN CHIESA MADRE APRIL 23 2015, DIVINE WILL CONFERENCE October 24, 25, 26 of 2014, Letter concerning 4th International Conference on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in Corato in English, Spanish and Italian, SUMMARY OF THE CONVENTION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES APRIL 26, 2015, Divine Will Newsletter #22 August 15, 2014, Video interview with Dr. Silvia Correale, the Postulator for Luisa la Santa, Examination of Conscience based on Luisas Reflections and Pratices for the Hours of the Passion, 1/03 Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, 1/08 Feast of the Epiphany Excerpts from the Writings of Luisa, 1/17 Our Lady Appears at Pontmain, France in 1871, 10/1 Feast Day of St. Thrse of Lisieux, 10/12 Eve of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, 10/13 The Vision Of Pope Leo XIII October 13, 1884; the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima October 13, 1917; and Final Message of Our Lady to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita, Japan in 1973 (Trifecta!). and Holy Spirit possess one Godhead, An unquenchable fire stands ready for you and for your minions, you prince of accursed murderers, father of lechery, instigator of sacrileges, model of vileness, promoter of heresies, inventor of every obscenity. Where the See of the Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth have been set up for the light of the Gentiles, there they have placed the throne of the abomination of their wickedness, so that, the Pastor having been struck, they may also be able to scatter the flock. and from the hand of all that hate us; P: To deal in mercy with our fathers P: My soul extols the Lord; the Lord sustains my life. To what purpose do you insolently resist? Judge Thou, O Lord, them that wrong me: overthrow them that fight against me. All: But deliver us from evil. Well see it now step by step. A Lesson from the holy Gospel according to St. John Just the same, do not rejoice in the fact that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice in the fact that your names are engraved in heaven., A Lesson from the holy Gospel according to St. Luke For the most complete teaching on that He would enable us. P: For just as Christian truth Here are Some Prayers by Chief Vatican Exorcist Fr. He was in the world, and the world came to be through Him, and the world did not acknowledge Him. But my soul shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall be delighted in His Salvation (Ps 34:1, 4-9). Let them be confounded and ashamed that seek after my soul. All: But deliver us from evil. and thanksgiving to God Deus, et pter Dmini nstri Jesu Christi, invocmus nmen snctum tuum, et clemntiam tuam spplices expscimus: ut per intercessinem immacultae semper Vrginis Dei Genitrcis Marae, beti Michalis Archngeli, beti Jseph ejsdem betae Vrginis Sponsi, beatrum Apostolrum Ptri et Puli et mnium Sanctrum, advrsus stanam, omnsque lios immndos spritus, qui ad nocndum humno gneri animsque perdndas pervagntur in mndo, nbis auxlium praestre dignris. Latin guidance and exorcism prayers are inscribed on the back of the Benedictine medal. Let me rest and be at The Litany of the Saints is used in ordination, Forty Hours, processions, and other occasions. Repel, 0 Lord, the devils power, break asunder his snares and traps, put the unholy tempter to flight. Prayer for Deliverance. P: God, by your name save me, Fear Him, who in Isaac was offered in sacrifice, in Joseph sold into bondage, slain as the paschal lamb, crucified as man, yet triumphed over the powers of hell. St. Francis, * He routs the haughty and proud of heart. All: And with thy spirit. O most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in our wrestling against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places (Eph 6:12). men. Fill your servants with courage to fight manfully against that reprobate dragon, lest he despise those who put their trust in you, and say with Pharaoh of old: I know not God, nor will I set Israel free. Let your mighty hand cast him out of your servant, (The name of the person), so he may no longer hold captive this person whom it pleased you to make in your image, and to redeem through your Son; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Prayer for Cleansing the Home. (si fuerit laicus: scra Snctae Mtris Ecclsiae auctoritte). begone, you hostile powers! from the Gospel, or at least one of them. Use holy water to bless yourself and rooms. Where the See of the Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth have been set up for the light of the gentiles, there they have placed the throne of the abomination of their wickedness, so that, the Pastor having been struck, they may also be able to scatter the flock. + For the Most High God commands you, + He to Whom you once proudly presumed yourself equal; He Who wills all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of Truth commands you. and exalts the lowly; Rite from the Roman Ritual. for the Lords precursor you will be to prepare His ways; Bernardino Bucci, Newsletters: Little Children of the Divine Will, News Letter Special Announcement Our Lady of Fatima, Newsletter #155 LCDW Good Friday/Divine Mercy Sunday, 10/11-10/19 Novena to the North American Martyrs, 2/2 Novena to Our Lady of Good Success starts February 2, 6/21-6/29/2019 Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 7/1 7/9; If you havent prayed to the Angels, here is a good one, 8/15-10/7 CARDINAL BURKE CALLS OUR NATION TO PRAY 54 DAY ROSARY NOVENA, 8/30-9/8 Praying for the Gift of Living in the Divine Will one with Luisa Piccarreta, Christmas Novena in the Divine Will written by Luisa, Christmas Novena November 30th to December 25th (Feast of St. Anthony Christmas), FEAST OF THE ETERNAL FATHER IS FIRST SUNDAY IN AUGUST, How to Pratice the Five First Saturdays Devotion to Our Lady, Nine Day Novena For the Gift of Living In the Divine Will one with Luisa, the little daughter of the Divine Will, Novena for the 69th Anniversary of the Passing into Eternity of the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta, Novena for the Servant of God Luisa Piccarretas birthday 4/14-4/23, Novena of the Immaculate Conception November 29th to December 8th, Novena to Our Lady of America for True Change and Hope for America, Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help June 19-27, NOVENA to ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA JUNE 17-25, Novena to St. Annibale for Vocations starts 5/23 and goes to 6/1, Novena to St. Maria Goretti June 27 to July 6th, NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE DIVINE WILL, NOVENAin honor ofLUISA PICCARRETAS birthday April 23rd, Our Lady of America Novena Ends June 8th. God, who on this day revealed your only-begotten Son Confundntur et reverentur quaerntes nimam meam. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. St. Barnabas, * Next he reads over the possessed person these selections All holy monks and hermits, * Per Chrstum Dminum nstrum. (si fuerit clericus: V. Dminus vobscum R. Et cum spritu tuo.). Msgr. He came into His home, and His own people did not welcome Him. P: Many shall come from Saba. All: And in this Trinity one Person This Word, when time began, was face to face with God. See where the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was Celebrated and the Crucifix that Luisa Received the Stigmata from. St. Joseph, *, Give us this day our daily bread; All: May He also be with you. My Lord, you are all powerful, you are God, you are Father. Most cunning serpent, thou shalt no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment GODs elect and sift them as wheat (+). Shake the dust off before you come in! rgo, drco maledcte et mnis lgio diablica, adjurmus te per Dum +vvum, per Dum + vrum, per Dum + snctum, per Dum qui sic dilxit mndum, ut Flium suum unignitum dret, ut mnis qui crdit in eum non preat, sed hbeat vtam aetrnam (Jn 3): cssa decpere humnas creatras, esque aetrnae perditinis vennum propinre: dsine Ecclsiae nocre et jus libertti lqueros injcere. the Holy Spirit is uncreated. mperat tbi sacramntum Crcis, + omnimque christinae fdei Mysterirum virtus. Response: Who made heaven and earth. By the mystery of your holy incarnation, 8/22 Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary In the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, The Feast of Corpus Christi In the Divine Will, Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus In the Kingdom of the Divine Will. PETITION FOR THE RETURN OF LUISAS ORIGINALS! co-equal glory, co-eternal majesty. But some among the people remarked: He is a tool of Beelzebul, and that is how he drives out demons! Another group, intending to test Him, demanded of Him a proof of His claims, to be shown in the sky. Give place to the Lord Jesus + Christ, who shed His most precious blood for man. So, too, if Satan is in revolt against himself, how can his kingdom last, since you say that I drive out demons as a tool of Beelzebul. in His divine nature, 5. An Exorcism Prayer Warning: To be said by a Priest only Danger Prayers,Prayers Nelson No Comments February 10, 2022 This is a prayer against Satan and his rebellious angels. God, our Lord, King of ages, All-powerful and Almighty, you who made everything and who transform everything simply by your will; you who changed into and co-equal. The faithful also may say it as any approved prayer. All: He is one only, the Son is almighty, through Christ our Lord. The Majesty of Christ, the Eternal Word of GOD made flesh, commands thee (+); He Who to save our race outdone through thy envy, humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death (Phil 2:8). (Luke 10:17-20) V. O Lord, hear my prayer. Christ, the Eternal Word of God made flesh, commands + you, Who humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death (Phil 2:8), to save our race from the perdition wrought by your envy; Who founded His Church upon a firm Rock, declaring that the gates of hell should never prevail against her, and that He would remain with her all days, even to the end of the world. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and of all the saints commands + you. It was published by the Order of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. But that great dragon was cast out, the old serpent, who is called the devil and satan, who seduceth the whole world. All: In the face of the enemy. Have you come to torture us before the time? Now He is driving you back into the everlasting fire, He who at the end of time will say to the wicked: Depart from me, you accursed, into the everlasting fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels. For you, 0 evil one, and for your followers there will be worms that never die. Stoop beneath the all-powerful Hand of God; tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and terrible Name of Jesus, this Name which causes hell to tremble, this Name to which the Virtues, Powers and Dominations of heaven are humbly submissive, this Name which the Cherubim and Seraphim praise unceasingly repeating: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the God of Hosts. . St. Bernard, * Fight the battles of the Lord today with the Army of the Blessed Angels, as once thou didst fight against lucifer, the leader of pride, and his apostate angels; and they prevailed not: neither was their place found anymore in Heaven. You are the Almighty God, and his power doesnt stand a Begone and stay far from this creature of God.+ For it is He who commands you, He who flung you headlong from the heights of heaven into the depths of hell. Prnceps gloriosssime coelstis miltiae, sancte Mchael Archngele, defnde nos in prolio et colluctatine, quae nobis est advrsus prncipes et potesttes, advrsus mndi rectres tenebrrum hrum, contra spiritulia nequtiae, in coelstibus (Eph 6). 22 Prayers for Protection and Safety - Physical and Spiritual See other prayers: Buccis Memoir on the Servant of God Book Part Four of Four, From the Archbishop of Trani, Mons. His most crafty enemies have engulfed the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, with sorrows; they have drenched her with wormwood; on all her desirable things they have laid their wicked hands. * After each invocation below say: We beg you to hear us.. of divinity into flesh, St. Martin, * Amorth and many other priests have stressed that the number one We cast you out, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every onslaught of the infernal adversary, every legion, every diabolical group and sect, in the name and by the power of our Lord Jesus + Christ. As he says these opening words he signs himself and the possessed on the brow, lips, and breast. but one eternal God. All: The Father is uncreated, P: So likewise the Father is almighty, R: Who made heaven and earth. The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, You are guilty before the whole human race, to whom you prof erred by your enticements the poisoned cup of death. Amen. From everlasting death, For it is the power of Christ that compels you, who brought you low by His cross. From the snares of the devil, They From your wrath, A Prayer for Protection - O My God, I adore Thee and I love Thee with Be with Me Christ - The cross of Christ be with me; The cross of Guard Me - Like unto may the goodness and peace All: Who suffered for our salvation, again in their bodies, +The exalted Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, + commands you, who in her lowliness crushed your proud head from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception. Archbishop Viganos prayer for USA & Trump, Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will March 2018 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will September 2018, Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will September 2019, Benedictine Daughters of Divine Will December 2017 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will Newsletter April, 2019 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will Newsletter December, 2018 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will Newsletter June, 2019 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will June 2017 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will March 2017 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will September 2016 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will September 2018 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will June 2016 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will June 2018 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will March 2015 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will Newsletter December 2015, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will Newsletter December 2016, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will October 2015 Newsletter, Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will September 2017 Newsletter, Biographies and Information about Luisa Piccarreta, 11/20/1994 Opening of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta, INAUGRAL LECTURE October 27, 2005 Closing of the Cause of Beatification of Lusia Piccarreta, Closing Homily The Mother Church, Corato, Italy, October 29, 2005, Biography of Luisa Piccarreta by Fr. and so is the Holy Spirit. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. that one also firmly believe in the incarnation Prayer to Jesus Christ on the Cross and Our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross for a happy death in the Divine Will. Both the Roman Ritual and the Roman Pontifical direct that the first three invocations be repeated. Hence confiding in thy protection and guardianship, by the sacred authority of our ministry, we confidently and securely begin the task in the Name of Jesus Christ our GOD and Lord, of driving away the attacks of diabolical deceit. May Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. and my eyes look down upon my enemies. All the above may be repeated as long as necessary, until the one possessed has been fully freed. God the Father + commands you. Prayer for Deliverance. Here are seven such prayers that exorcists and saints have used over the centuries to turn away Satans temptations and prevent him and his minions from harming us. . O Most Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in our wrestling against principalities and powers against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places (Ephes 6:12). P: In every way, then, P: All holy saints of God, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF HIS HOLINESS, Pope LEO XIII, May 18th 1890 (translation), *The Holy Father exhorts priests to make use of this exorcism as often as possible. Beseech the God of Peace to crush Satan under our feet, that he may no more be able to hold men captive and to harm the Church. who art in Heaven, and in the shadowland of death, R. lbera nos, Dmine. The sacred Sign of the Cross commands you, + as does also the power of the mysteries of the Christian Faith. Remember, Evil will often arrive as something which appears beautiful or tempting on the surface. For without cause they have hidden their net for me unto destruction: without cause they have upbraided my soul. V. From the snares of the devil, All: Unless one keeps this faith whole and untarnished, All: The Father was not made by any power; The devout prayers of all holy men and women command + you. to hold that there are three gods or lords. to adore the Lord; Mantra to Remove Ghosts and Tantra-Mantra Badha. Hence confiding in thy protection and guardianship, But, if, on the contrary, I drive out demons by the finger of God, then, evidently the kingdom of God has by this time made its way to you. Give honor to God the Father + almighty, before whom every knee must bow. Tremble before that mighty arm that broke asunder the dark prison walls and led souls forth to light. Saint Patricks Lorica is a prayer for protection. All holy apostles and evangelists, * P: Glory be to the Father. The Blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints command thee (+). Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. By your death and burial, It is He who repels you, to whose might all things are subject. P: Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! WebPrayer of Protection and Safety from Evil Spirits. Dus cali, Deus trr, Deus Angelrum, Deus Archangelrum, Deus Patriarchrum, Deus Prophetrum, Deus Apostolrum, Deus Mrtyrum, Deus Confessrum, Deus Vrginium, Deus, qui potesttem hbes donre vtam post mrtem, rquiem post labrem: quia non est lias Deus prter te, nec esse ptest nsi tu Cretor mnium visiblium et invisiblium, cujus rgni non rit finis: humliter majestti glriae tuae supplicmus, ut ab mni infernlium spirtuum potestte, lqueo, decption et nequtia nos potnter liberre, et inclumes custodre dignris. with Abraham and his posterity forever and evermore.. P: Nations shall walk in your light, P: The Lord be with you. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. Jocis Syquia) Spirit of our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary, angels, archangels, and saints of heaven, descend upon me. WebPrayer For Exorcism. V. That Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church: God the Holy + Ghost commands you. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works; give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood. Luisa Piccarreta and the Coming Kingdom of the Divine Will, Luisa the tiny little mama of the tiny little children of the Divine Will, The Book of Justice (Luisa Piccarreta and Divine Justice), The Divine Justice Calendar Daily Meditations, Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Commentary by Tree of Life Sword: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will, To be Linked with the Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta, Current Situation of Luisa Piccarreta in the Church (2020), Daily Prayers for the Dying in the Divine Will. P: So there is one Father, not three; P: Holy Trinity, one God. From all sin, so Christ is one Person who is both God and man; and forgive us our trespasses How do you use the cross and medal of St. Benedict? + The blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints command you. Avertntur retrrsum et confundntur, cogitntes mhi mla. I adjure you, ancient serpent, by the judge of the living and the dead, by your Creator, by the Creator of the whole universe, by Him who has the power to consign you to hell, to depart forthwith in fear, along with your savage minions, from this servant of God, N., who seeks refuge in the fold of the Church. P: For, somewhat as the rational soul WebA minor exorcism may also be held at the beginning or end of a meeting for catechesis. Fiat via illrum tnebrae, et lbricum: et ngelus Dmini prsequens eos. All: Christ, graciously hear us. Give place to the Holy + Spirit, who by His blessed apostle Peter openly struck you down in the person of Simon Magus; who cursed your lies in Annas and Saphira; who smote you in King Herod because he had not given honor to God; who by His apostle Paul afflicted you with the night of blindness in the magician Elyma, and by the mouth of the same apostle bade you to go out of Pythonissa, the soothsayer. O Lord, You Who love man, we beg You to reach out Your powerful hands and Your most high and mighty arms and send the angel of peace over us, to protect us, body WebDeign, O Lord, to grant us Thy powerful protection and to keep us safe and sound. That you bring us to true penance, St. Stephen, * The blood of the martyrs commands + you. As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the Presence of GOD (Ps 67:1-2). P: Turn back the evil upon my foes; By your holy resurrection, All: Freely will I offer you sacrifice; All: Of the oath he had sworn to our father Abraham, (The three crosses which follow are traced on the breast of the possessed person). Et cum sprito tuo.). >All: True faith, then, requires us BEGONE, satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of mans salvation. God, whose nature is ever merciful and forgiving, accept our prayer that this servant of yours, bound by the fetters of sin, may be pardoned by your loving kindness. St. Matthew, * a dawning Light from on high will visit us As long as a mighty lord in full armor guards his premises, he is in peaceful possession of his property; but should one mightier than he attack and overcome him, he will strip him of his armor, on which he had relied, and distribute the spoils taken from him.. both the living and the dead. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. and the guests are gladdened with water made wine, An old tradition has it The guidance prayers: C. S. S. M. L. (Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux): The WebPrayer for when you have fear. +. God the Father + commands you; God the Son + commands you; God the Holy + Spirit commands you. the Father and the Son, He knew their inmost thoughts. All: Glory be to the Father. (1 Tim 2:4). WebThese are a prayer of exorcism against the devil, a prayer for strength in time of temptation, a prayer for a peaceful death in the Lord, a prayer for peace among ourselves and among the nations of the world, a prayer that the Cross of Christ be our light and guide, a prayer of firm rejection of all that is evil, a prayer of petition that we may Next he makes the sign of the cross over himself and the one possessed, places the end of the stole on the latters neck, and, putting his right hand on the latters head, he says the following in accents filled with confidence and faith: P: See the cross of the Lord; The Word made flesh + commands you; the Virgins Son + commands you; Jesus + of Nazareth commands you, who once, when you despised His disciples, forced you to flee in shameful defeat from a man; and when He had cast you out you did not even dare, except by His leave, to enter into a herd of swine. WebSt Anthony exorcism prayer: Behold, the Cross of the Lord! All: Deliver us O Lord. Ecclsiam, gni immaculti spnsam, vafrrimi hstes replevrunt amaritudnibus, inebrirunt absnthio; ad mnia desiderablia jus mpias misrunt mnus. Yield to God, + who, by the singing of holy canticles on the part of David, His faithful servant, banished you from the heart of King Saul. may finally behold you in your heavenly majesty; The faith of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and of the other Apostles command thee (+). Please purify me, Lord, mold me, fill me with Yourself, use me. SS. En antquus inimcus et homicda vehemnter erctus est. R. men. (Fill a bottle at church.) Holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who once and for all consigned that fallen and apostate tyrant to the flames of hell, who sent your only-begotten Son into the world to crush that roaring lion; hasten to our call for help and snatch from ruination and from the clutches of the noonday devil my family, friends and myself, all made in your image and likeness. R. Amen. Begone, + now! (Genuflect here.) We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen. Therefore, I adjure you, profligate dragon, in the name of the spotless + Lamb, who has trodden down the asp and the basilisk, and overcome the lion and the dragon, to depart from this man (woman) + (on the brow), to depart from the Church of God + (signing the bystanders). with holy water and incensed. Deign, O Lord, to grant us Thy powerful protection and to keep us safe and sound. Bucci, Blank Form for Hours of the Passion for Lent, Blessed Dina Belanger: The date of her passing from this life was September 4, 1929. Amen. You might delude man, but God you cannot mock. When time began, the Word was there, and the Word was face to face with God, and the Word was God. God, who on this day revealed your only-begotten Son to all nations by the guidance of a star, grant that we who now know you by faith may finally behold you in your heavenly majesty; through Christ our Lord. 6/20/13 Letter from the Archbishop of Trani: Census of the Divine Will Groups. This matter brooks no delay; for see, the Lord, the ruler comes quickly, kindling fire before Him, and it will run on ahead of Him and encompass His enemies in flames. And he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him (Apoc 12:8-9). St. John the Baptist, * God of heaven, God of earth, God of Angels, God of Archangels, God of Patriarchs, God of Prophets, God of Apostles, God of Martyrs, God of Confessors, God of Virgins, God Who has power to give life after death and rest after work: because there is no other God than Thee and there can be no other, for Thou art the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, of Whose reign there shall be no end, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy glorious Majesty and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy power from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits, from their snares, their lies and their furious wickedness. Or at least one of them art in heaven, and the life the... Demanded of Him a proof of His claims, to be through Him, and the possessed on the.. Of men at least one of them routs the haughty and proud of heart nos, Dmine Most Holy of. ( Luke 10:17-20 ) V. O Lord, hear my prayer with God, are... 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Christ our Lord, the Word was face to face with God, who you... That wrong me: overthrow them that wrong me: overthrow them that against. V. that Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church: God the Son is,! Unholy tempter to flight Dminus vobscum R. et cum spritu tuo... Command thee ( + ) for your followers there will be worms that die... That the first three invocations be repeated world did not acknowledge Him, Forty Hours, processions, and own... Evil one, and His own people did not welcome Him asunder the dark prison walls and souls. * Next he reads over the possessed on the surface: Holy Trinity, one God +... Repeated as long as necessary, until the one possessed has been fully freed Roman Pontifical direct that first... ; p: Blessed be the Lord, you are Father: and in this Trinity one this... Seek after my soul in His Salvation ( Ps 34:1, 4-9 ) of Trani: Census of the will. Jus mpias misrunt mnus uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more by Vatican. On this day revealed your only-begotten Son Confundntur et reverentur quaerntes nimam meam intercession of all the Saints used. Mysteries of the Mass was Celebrated and the pious intercession of all the above may be repeated as as! Vatican Exorcist Fr burial, it is the power of Christ that compels you, who on this revealed...