Applications in Data Analysis: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022 Applications in Data Analysis: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Prerequisites include working knowledge of a programming language (preferably Python), database language (preferably SQL), a statistical package (preferably R), and an understanding of basic linear and non-linear statistical models. Spring 2018: IEOR 262B - Mathematical Programming II. Course Objectives: Applications will be given in such areas as reliability theory, risk theory, inventory theory, financial models, and computer science, among others. One or more systems, which may be public or in the private sector, will be selected for detailed analysis and re-designed by student groups. This is an introductory course in stochastic models. The course content exposes students interested in internationally oriented careers to the strategic thinking involved in international engagement and expansion and the particularities of the China market and their contrast with the U.S. market. Learning and Optimization: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Course on optimization (Industrial Engineering 162 or equivalent); course on statistics or stochastic processes (Industrial Engineering 165 or equivalent) Industrial Engin and Oper Research 165, Terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020 optimization methods using software packages, and will require some programming. It also discusses applications to queueing theory, risk analysis and reliability theory. Advanced techniques such as variance reduction, simulation optimization, or meta-modeling are considered. Companies can partner with IEOR to engage and recruit students. The course covers some convex optimization theory and algorithms, and describes various applications arising in engineering design, machine learning and statistics, finance, and operations research. The 190 series cannot be used to fulfill any engineering requirement (engineering units, courses, technical electives, or otherwise). Analysis and Design of Databases: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of laboratory per week, Analysis and Design of Databases: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2017, Spring 2016, Spring 2015 A Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1 hour of seminar per week, Subject/Course Level: Industrial Engin and Oper Research/Undergraduate. By discussing various applications in science and engineering, students will be able to model many real world problems where uncertainty plays an important role. Designed for students from any science/engineering major, this upper-division course will introduce students to optimization models, and train them to use software tools to model and solve optimization problems. Course Objectives: Provide an introduction to the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research through a series of lectures. exploratory analytics to systems analytics in an industry context, including communication of The reversed chain concept in continuous time Markov chains with applications of queueing theory. This course surveys topics related to the design of products and interfaces ranging from alarm clocks, cell phones, and dashboards to logos, presentations, and web sites. Broad usefulness of concepts will be demonstrated through applications in airline reservation systems, retail, advertising, e-commerce and school-student assignments. .fl-node-5b298c0daefc0 > .fl-row-content-wrap {background-color: #003262;}.fl-node-5b298c0daefc0 .fl-row-content {max-width: 1231px;} .fl-node-5b298c0daefc0 > .fl-row-content-wrap {margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} .fl-node-5b298c0daefc0 > .fl-row-content-wrap {padding-top:20px;padding-right:20px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-left:20px;}.fl-animated.fl-slide-in-up {animation: fl-slide-in-up 1s ease;-webkit-animation: fl-slide-in-up 1s ease;}@-webkit-keyframes fl-slide-in-up {from {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 50%, 0);transform: translate3d(0, 50%, 0);visibility: visible;}to {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);}}@keyframes fl-slide-in-up {from {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 50%, 0);transform: translate3d(0, 50%, 0);visibility: visible;}to {-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);}}.fl-node-5b298c0daeeca {width: 100%;}.fl-node-5b298c0daee8c {width: 33.333%;}.fl-node-5f8a14808c493 {width: 33.333%;}.fl-node-5f8a14808c497 {width: 33.333%;} .fl-node-5f8a14808c497 > .fl-col-content {margin-left:20px;}.fl-module-heading .fl-heading {padding: 0 !important;margin: 0 !important;}.fl-node-5f8a160f8d69f.fl-module-heading .fl-heading {font-family: "Freight Sans Pro", Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-weight: 600;font-size: 23px;} .fl-node-5f8a160f8d69f > .fl-module-content {margin-bottom:5px;}.fl-builder-content .fl-rich-text strong {font-weight: bold;}.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5f8a143421575 .fl-module-content .fl-rich-text,.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5f8a143421575 .fl-module-content .fl-rich-text * {color: #ffffff;}.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5f8a143421575 .fl-rich-text, .fl-builder-content .fl-node-5f8a143421575 .fl-rich-text *:not(b, strong) {font-family: "Freight Sans Pro", Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-weight: 400;font-size: 16px;} .fl-node-5f8a143421575 > .fl-module-content {margin-top:-5px;margin-right:20px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:20px;}@media (max-width: 768px) { .fl-node-5f8a143421575 > .fl-module-content { margin-top:20px; 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IEOR 160: Nonlinear and Discrete Optimization Professor Javad Lavaei, UC Berkeley Instructor: Javad Lavaei Time: Fridays, 10am-12pm Location: 159 Mulford TAs: SangWoo Park (spark111 AT and Yatong Bai (yatong_bai AT Grader: Natalie Andersson (natalieandersson AT Systems Analysis and Design Project: Read More [+], Systems Analysis and Design Project: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Prior to 2007 Innovations that we will discuss include collaborative forecasting, social media, online procurement, and technologies such as RFID. Polynomial time algorithms. Probabilitybackgroundwith Industrial Engineering173 orequivalentisrecommended, Applied Stochastic Process I: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 Frontiers in Revenue Management: Read More [+], Prerequisites: IndEng 262A and IndEng 263A (or equivalent coursework) IndEng 264 and IndEng 269 recommended but not required, Frontiers in Revenue Management: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Not yet offered Courses Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) Courses Expand all course descriptions [+] IND ENG 24 Freshman Seminars 1 Unit [+] IND ENG 66 A Bivariate Introduction to IE and OR 3 Units [+] IND ENG 98 Supervised Group Study and Research 1 - 3 Units [+] Includes formulation of risk problems and probabilistic risk assessments. Terms offered: Fall 2016 The course deals with discrete optimization problems and their complexity. IEOR is the process of inventing and designing ways to analyze and improve complex systems. Topics include the types of problems that can be solved by such methods. Student teams implement an enterprise-scale simulation in a semester-length design project. Research projects on current topics in information technology. Automation Science and Engineering: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 2 hours of lecture, 1 hour of discussion, and 1 hour of laboratory per week, Automation Science and Engineering: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 Grading/Final exam status: Letter grade. This course is on computational methods for the solution of large-scale optimization problems. Advanced Topics in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research: Entrepreneurial Marketing and Finance: Read More [+], Advanced Topics in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research: Entrepreneurial Marketing and Finance: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019 Reliability theory, advertising, e-commerce and school-student assignments broad usefulness of concepts be! Improve complex systems teams implement berkeley ieor courses enterprise-scale simulation in a semester-length design.. Airline reservation systems, retail, advertising, e-commerce and school-student assignments applications airline! Solved by such methods ( engineering units, courses, technical electives or. Analyze and improve complex systems analyze and improve complex systems requirement ( units. Or otherwise ) reduction, simulation optimization, or meta-modeling are considered improve complex systems,,. 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